From 25.04.2024 10:00 until 25.04.2024 12:00
At Brisbane
Categories: RAEME Association QLD
Hits: 1808
Above: Member and guests at the 2023 Brisbane March
The first ANZAC Day Parade took place in Brisbane on the 25 April 1916. While we remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom during the Dawn Services and other services of Remembrance, the ANZAC Day Parade is an opportunity to celebrate and recognise all those that have served and still continue to serve our country.
The parade will be held on Adelaide Street, between George Street and Creek Street, from 9:45am to 12:30pm and will feature former and current ADF veterans and other groups and Associations who contribute to the Parade that make it the commemoration worthy of its heritage.
The 2024 Parade will be conducted along the traditional route we are all use to. The RAEME Association QLD will step off in Group 7 (Section F) in the vicinity of George and Mary Streets at 1105h. The RAQ will follow the RAAOC Association with a band between the two groups. The following map depicts the form up point for the RAQ:
Parade March Guidelines:
All Participants, serving and retired, are required to mark time/halt at the junction of Elizabeth and George Streets at the discretion of the Deputy Parade Marshal until called forward.
The RAQ will march in the centre two lanes of George, Creek and, where able, Adelaide Street. The RAQ will be marching 5 abreast. Please all be aware of trip hazards; survey markers, potholes etc.
The following link will take you to an interactive map of the Parade Area:
As with all years, it is of utmost importance to us to help our older veterans and those who have restricted mobility. For those who require assistance, please reach out to let us know how we can help, or if you would like to follow the RAQ in a buggy. The point of contact for assistance is:
POC: Max Walker
If you require a buggy, you will need to supply the following information to Max so a buggy can be booked for you and your carer if required:
1. Full name
2. Mobile Phone Number
3. Email address
4. Carer’s name and number (if required).
Those requiring a buggy will need to make their way to the “Jeep Loading Area” adjacent to the Post Office Square in Queen Street, near the end of the Mall. You can get there by walking or catching a Buggy Shuttle from the corner of Eagle and Queen Streets.
Please refer to the interactive map:
The Parade Marshals will then transport those veterans to the “Jeep Holding Area” in Elizabeth Street where you will be seated, then taken to the RAQ FUP prior to them stepping off at 1105h.
Arte Et Marte
Max Walker