We recently we dispatched Spanner Packs to soldiers on operations in PNG and the Solomon Islands.
This now brings our total packs to 4848, which is around 9987 kg of Spanner Packs!
Kindest Regards
Raymond Norman
RAEME National Network
The Corps of RAEME at any one time has a number of soldiers who are serving on operations and other areas on overseas deployment. The RAEME Associations, with your assistance, send "Spanner Packs" (not tools) to our Corps Soldiers on operations. These packs contain items not supplied by Defence or locally available, which will assist our soldiers to live more comfortably and enjoy some of those favourite things they miss from home. To date July 2024, 4848 (approx 9987 KG) of Spanner Packs have been dispatched to RAEME members on operations in Kuwait, Middle East, Sinai, Iraq, Afghanistan, Solomon’s, South Sudan, PNG and Timor including embedded RAEME members.
We have surveyed many of our recent returned soldiers and those about to leave for overseas and we are in the process of putting together lists of favourite items most preferred by the soldiers. Some of these favourite items are food (Vegemite, biscuits and lollies), magazines, packs of cards, hygiene items, games etc. This project is not state, trade or Unit specific and it is hoped that every soldier will receive at least one pack on each rotation deployment/posting overseas.
You can assist us by individual financial donation, becoming a commercial sponsor with appropriate product and/or dollars, putting us in touch with other possible sponsors, that you know would be willing to assist us in this very important Corps project, and all of the above. We are very open to suggestions and assistance. We are sure that all of our members and contacts will be very willing to assist in some positive way. We are also sure that all returned soldiers will know the importance of this project “Operation Spanner Pack”, and will support this worthy project.
More information can be obtained from the RAEME Association Queensland Chairman of the Spanner Pack Sub Committee via
Donations can be sent as follows:
EFT/Paypal (EFT is the preferred option):
Click on this link to donate via our online shop
- Banking Details - Defence Bank
- BSB: 833205
- Account Number: 20682037
- Account Name: RAEME Association Queensland.
- Member Number 82731 (For other Defence Bank Transfers only)
RAQ is proud to support and administer this National Program on behalf of all Associations.