
RAQ Sunshine Coast Luncheon 2024

From 21.09.2024 12:30 until 21.09.2024 17:00
Hits: 2058

Due to populare demand the event is now sold out!

An invitation is extended to all current and past members of RAEME, and friends of RAEME, who live on the Sunshine Coast / Wide Bay area, or the surrounding region, including Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Darling Downs. Visitors to SE QLD at the time are also very welcome.

We are pleased to confirm that our guest speaker is COL Kane Wright, RAEME, currently Director of Logistics – Army, Army Headquarters, and recently returned from Fiji, where he was the Defence Attaché at a very interesting time. He will speak a little about his career, his time in Fiji and the challenges of his current job.

We will again be ably supported by the Maroochy RSL catering and bar staff, who as many know, look after our every need including providing our meals from the Club’s famous Gold Plate Menu.

Details of the lunch are as follows:
Venue – Room M4 Maroochy RSL, corner Memorial and First Avenues, Maroochydore.
Timings – 1200 for 1230 hours on Saturday 21 September 2024.
Dress – Neat casual.
Menu – A copy of the menu is attached. Meals will be served as ‘alternate drop’. Please let us know of any special dietary needs.
Drinks – The bar will be open from 1200 to 1630 hours with drinks being purchased at your own expense.
Parking – Free parking is available in the multi floor car park directly opposite the RSL. Before departing, please advise the attendant at the front desk in the Club foyer of your vehicle registration number to facilitate exit.

If you do wish to request specific seating, or arrange that table of friends, or you have specific dietary restrictions please email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Reserve a Seat(s). Function reservation Function reservation details are now set up on the RAQ website and you will be able to book and pay for tickets through this medium.  Please note that we are limited to 80 subsidised guests, so get in early. Most importantly, the lunch is subsidised by both the Maroochy RSL and the RAQ, which makes the cost of the lunch a very competitive $30.00 per head for RAQ members and Serving RAEME Members, including partners; and $50.00 per head for non-members.  To make sure you get your subsidised price, you can join the RAQ at: https://qld.raeme.org.au/index.php/membership

If you have any difficulties booking or paying electronically, please email the Webmaster at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Due to populare demand the event is now sold out!



  • Colonel Kane Wright

    Colonel Kane Wright

    Colonel Kane Wright was born 24 September 1981 in Mount Isa, Queensland. He commenced his Army career in 1999 at the Australian Defence Force Academy, graduating in 2001. In 2002 he graduated from the Royal Military College – Duntroon (RMC), to the Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. As a junior officer he undertook regimental command and headquarter staff postings within Army’s 1st and 3rd Brigades, in Darwin and Townsville respectively. This period included an instructional appointment at RMC and his subsequent selection as Aide de Camp to the Chief of Army.

    Colonel Wright’s Operational deployments include border protection operations in the Indian Ocean, Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief efforts following the 2005 Boxing Day Tsunami in Indonesia, and peacekeeping in Timor Leste. He has also commanded a Logistic Company twice on operational deployments to Afghanistan.

    In key developmental staff roles, Colonel Wright was posted as the Brigade Major of 17th Combat Service Support Brigade, coordinating all force level logistic and health support to Army’s deployable units, and logistic modernisation. In 2017, he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and posted as the Staff Officer Sustainment within Army’s Directorate of Logistics. In this position he coordinated the strategic sustainment of all of Defence’s land materiel, spanning acquisition, support contracts, supply, maintenance and disposal.

    Highlights of Colonel Wright’s career include being selected for command appointments as a Company Commander at the 3rd Combat Service Support Battalion, and in 2019 as the Commanding Officer of the 1st Combat Service Support Battalion. He led the Battalion through the readying phase of Army’s force generation cycle, whilst concurrently modernising logistic operating concepts through disaggregated, networked nodes and introducing a deployable additive manufacturing concept for Army. From 2022 Colonel Wright contributed to a whole-of-government team as the Australian Defence Advisor to Fiji, building regional relationships. In 2024, Colonel Wright assumed his current role as Army’s Director of Logistics.

    Colonel Wright holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Management, and Masters degrees with high distinction in Business Administration, International Relations and Military Arts and Science. He is an Art of War Scholar and the Distinguished Honour Graduate of the United States Army Command and General Staff College. He was the first international officer selected for, and an Honour Graduate of, the United States Army War College’s Strategic Arts Program. He is a Distinguished Graduate of the Australian War College’s Defence and Strategic Studies Course and the 2021 Secretary / Chief of Defence Force Award recipient. His awards include a Chief of Defence Force Commendation, a Chief of Army Commendation and a Deputy Chief of Joint Operations Commendation. He has published on strategy, modernisation and leadership in the Australian Journal of Defence and Strategic Studies, Australian Army Journal and US Journal Military Review. He is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

    Colonel Wright is married to Maysel, a Registered Nurse. They have a daughter Eva (2011), and son, Alex (2014). As a family, they enjoy international travel, exploring other cultures and are sponsors and mentors of Australia’s Pacific military partners in Canberra. In his free time, Colonel Wright enjoys reading, running and watching movies with his children.



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  • Gravatar Mike & Barbara Prain
  • Gravatar Rockleigh & Sue Hoare
  • Gravatar Huck & Jackie Berry
  • Gravatar Tom & Carolyn Regener
  • Gravatar Pat Fergusson
  • Gravatar John & Kath Kingston
  • Gravatar Tony & Alison Borg
  • Gravatar Robert & Dianne Millar
  • Gravatar Michael Berris
  • Gravatar Anthony & Susan Stafford
  • Gravatar Ernie & Roz Hartshorn
  • Gravatar Barry & Marjolein Tiller
  • Gravatar Desmond & Michele Thompson
  • Gravatar Mal Baird
  • Gravatar Stu & Dian Wools-Cobb
  • Gravatar Trevor & Helen Smith
  • Gravatar Peter & Michelle Thompson
  • Gravatar Terry Dillon
  • Gravatar Les & Pat Edis
  • Gravatar John Bryan
  • Gravatar Eddie Bevans , Kay Bevans , Clare Benfield
  • Gravatar COL Kane Wright
  • Gravatar Barry Shipway
  • Gravatar Steve & Melissa Evans
  • Gravatar Raymond & Karen Norman
  • Gravatar Robert.Winkel
  • Gravatar Pieter & Lorelle Reus
  • Gravatar Peter Matthews & Ty Bodle
  • Gravatar Ian & Wendy Leabeater
  • Gravatar Chris & Kerry Wrangle
  • Gravatar Bruce & Kathryn Hermann
  • Gravatar Darryl & Leanne Hughes
  • Gravatar Peter & Lynette Yates
  • Gravatar Jason Garwell
  • Gravatar Dennis & Wendy Dowling
  • Gravatar Harry Wilson
  • Gravatar Gary & Lynell Sargent
  • Gravatar Jeffrey Maurice & Suzanne Maurice
  • Gravatar Brian & Barb Daley
  • Gravatar Peter & Sandra Pile
  • Gravatar Stephen Howells
  • Gravatar Graeme & Susan Clement
  • Gravatar Michael & Sharon Patman
  • Gravatar Colin Mounsey

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