
Twist to Open T-Shirts - The wait is over - delivering now!


We have great news! Despite Cyclone Alfred's best efforts to interrupt the manufacture of the shirts, our amazing supplier has been able to deliver just under 200 shirts to us this week and we've started to post out to customers.

We've had a very small issue with some size Small tees, and a 5XL, however we expect these to be finished next week and also posted!

The great news is due to popular demand we now have these shirts as a stocked item on our website, so order away!

We'd love to see some socials on Facebook or Insta with anyone wearing them!

ANZAC Day 2025 commemorations


Lead by our COL Comdt Queensland COL Piers Cambridge CSM, the 2025 parade will be held on Adelaide Street, between George Street and Creek Street. From the Governor of Queensland’s address at King George Square starting at 9:45am to the last marching participants at 12:25pm.

Current known information is:

  • RAQ are in Group 4, Serial 51
  • FUP - Wil lbe per previous years at George Street (Between Margaret and Mary Streets). Look for our Banner
  • Scheduled to march off at approx 1025hrs
  • Please make sure you are in place at least 30 minutes before this time
  • More information is at the RSL parade Committee Website

Any veteran that can no longer march is invited to take advantage of the jeeps driven by the owner members of the Military Jeep Club of Queensland or the golf buggies. Vehicles are inserted behind the relevant Ex-Service organisations listed on the Order of March to remain close to their peers.

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you require assistance or have any questions. 

In 2025 the event may still face restrictions to comply with the Event Planning requirements, however it will be conducted on the traditional route (see maps) unless otherwise notified. Those veterans and citizens unable to attend are invited to watch the event on ABC TV and be assured that the Parade participation and spectator opportunities are reviewed as we approach the event.

Post March Function

We will again be hosted by the Port Office Hotel, who open on ANZAC Day specifically to cater for us. Information is on our Website, and tickets are available now

Please note: This is a private RAEME function and a ticket is required for entry. To comply with the licencing requirements alcohol can only be purchased with a meal, The meal must be prepared, served and eaten on the premises. The Port Office Hotel will be open from approx 1000h and the Buffet Meal will be served from approximately 1200-1400h on the day.


An invitation is extended to all current and past members of the Corps and friends of RAEME to attend our Annual ANZAC Day March & Function.

Flynn’s Irish Bar will open from 0630h on 25 Apr 25 and will remain open during and after the march. Flynn’s is a privately booked RAEME Function so please bring some form of RAEME Insignia/memorabilia (Cap, tie, tie bar, hat badge, collar dog, lapel pin, badge, patch, cufflinks etc to gain entry to Flynn’s). If you do not have any of these items, please have someone wearing RAEME memorabilia vouch for you via security at the door.

Where - Flynn’s Hotel

When - from 0630-1330h

Townsville City March - The RAEME Form Up Point for the Strand March is Strand Park at 0830h with the March stepping off at 0900h, don’t be late. Look out for our Tricolour Banner!

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